Atkins Home Delivery Meals

Health is becoming a major focus for Americans who are trying to eat healthier and be more active each day.  For many who are already trying to lower their sugar and carbohydrate intake while increasing the amount of fiber they consume, the Atkins Diet may be a natural fit.

However, despite good intentions, many individuals choosing to follow the Atkins diet increasingly struggle to find the time and know-how to begin this new lifestyle.  Some may even become so overwhelmed with the education, grocery shopping, and preparation involved that they could be tempted to quit before they ever really get started.Continue reading

Best Diabetic Prepared Meals

Healthy eating is all the rage in today’s society, but some of us don’t have a choice.  When hit with a diagnosis such as diabetes, a healthy diet becomes a necessity rather than a recommendation.  To be fair, it is more of an overarching lifestyle change, but food is a large part of it since most of us eat at least three times every day.Continue reading

Food Allergies & Choosing A Meal Delivery Service

Living with food allergies requires a daily commitment to eating safely.  Finding safe and healthy foods that fit your unique diet restrictions can be both pricey and time consuming.  But what if there was an efficient and safe way to streamline even just one meal a day?  Some gourmet meal services may be able to do just that and add to your overall quality of life in the process.

In addition to avoidance of your known food allergens, a few of the most important keys to eating safely when you have food allergies are becoming educated on the condition, evaluating important meal time considerations, and helping others keep you safe.Continue reading

Using A Healthy Meal Service For Eating Healthy W/ A Busy Lifestyle

The vacation is over but seems to have left behind a parting gift of a few extra pounds that somehow seem permanently attached.  The doctor told you eating a healthier diet should do the trick.  Eating healthy isn’t so hard, you think, but you just can’t seem to make it happen.

This paradox is one of the driving factors of the boom in the healthy meal service industry.  Identify the obstacles holding you back from eating better and then examine the benefits of using a healthy meal service for a busy lifestyle to see if that partnership can help you achieve your goals.Continue reading

Does Meal Delivery Service For The Elderly Make Sense?

You live in Oklahoma and your elderly mom lives in Houston, Texas.  On your last visit you noticed that she is increasingly having trouble operating some of her appliances at meal time and that is causing her to opt for convenience foods that are largely unhealthy.  You need a way to ensure that she is getting proper nutrition, but that is difficult to do when you live miles away.Continue reading

What Are Complete Protein Vegan Meals?

While the reasoning is often different, many Americans are increasingly choosing to dedicate themselves to a vegan lifestyle.  In general, this means that animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs, are now off the menu and are being traded in for a more plant based diet.  A chief concern for many vegans is if they will be able to consume enough complete proteins for their bodies to run efficiently.  Not only is it possible to achieve this through complete protein vegan meals, it tends to be easier than you think.Continue reading

PCOS Diet Tips & Tailoring Your Diet to Meet Your Nutritional Needs

We met with Krystal Hammett, owner of Alternative Wellness Solutions and certified nutritionist to discuss what it takes to make a healthy diet. Krystal has helped clients with a variety of health and nutritional issues improve their health and lifestyles. When it comes to food, Krystal helps her clients tailor their diet to meet their nutritional needs.

One of Krystal’s passions is treating those with PCOS, a hormone imbalance common to women of reproductive age. Learn more about PCOS below.

Krystal Hammett
Owner of Alternative Wellness Solutions
Certified Holistic SpecialistContinue reading

You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

Do you like to go all-in on a workout and then reward yourself with junk food that completely negates all of the time, sweat and effort you just put in? Well, when put that way, it sounds pretty silly. Unfortunately, people do it all the time. A common scenario goes like this: you start working out to lose some weight and get in shape, but lose interest in the exercise because you fail to see the results. How does this happen? Why is it so hard to shed pounds and get shredded? Most likely, there is something going on with your diet that is slowing down your progress. According to our guest, “nutrition is 85% of the battle.” When you combine exercise with the proper diet, then you start see the desired results.Continue reading